Thursday, May 1, 2008

No Time for Jet Lag

You can imagine what a whirlwind Morgan and I have landed in. I am not sure how many people work on staff here, as I think I went blurry after the first two departments. It doesn’t really matter anyway as there approximately ten volunteers being added each week from now until July. Morgan was swept up into the massive organization of the International Liturgy Group and the Liturgy Team of WYD, while I have been assigned to the Vocations Expo. Both of us have spent our first day in meetings or buried in documents. Much like we expected, the excitement is clustered with the overwhelming sense of magnitude concerning what we are being asked to accomplish. And so it begins. . . dive right in, pray quite hard, and don’t worry about sleep . . . that’s what Heaven is for. . .

As for the Australian word of the day: "Jab" which is a shot -- like the kind you get for medical reasons. This is in the news a lot right now since winter is approaching a many are getting their flu jab.

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