Saturday, May 17, 2008

Morgan's Debut

Chris probably cannot believe it, but I am finally contributing to the blog, which has consisted of his entries up until now. Since Chris has chronicled some of what we have both experienced here in Sydney, I shall use this entry to explain a bit about my role at the World Youth Day (WYD08) office.

I have the pleasure to be working in the “Liturgy Directorate,” which is responsible for the planning and execution of all liturgies during the week. Music, vestments, sacred vessels, liturgy texts, etc. fall under the Liturgy Directorate. With so many details to be covered, I am grateful to be working with a team that is both very capable and cohesive.

Within the Liturgy Directorate is the International Liturgy Group (ILG) with which I work specifically. The ILG consists of approximately 140 young men and women who have been nominated by their respective bishops’ conferences. They come from around the world, thus representing the universality of the Catholic Church. These pilgrims have a very special part to play in the WYD08 events because they are the ones who will perform many of the liturgical functions (for example, lectors, gift bearers, and readers of the Prayer of the Faithful) throughout the week.

Sister Anna, a Dominican from Nashville, has been organizing the ILG for the past several months. She and I form part of the ILG “team,” which has the task of coordinating the members of the ILG with respect to the various liturgical events throughout the week. We also will serve as group leaders for the ILG pilgrims once they arrive in July. So far, I have enjoyed what I have done—I have even had a chance to do a bit of “Morganizing”!

Please keep us and all those preparing for WYD08 in your prayers!

Australians have a different way of asking how you are doing. This leads me to the Australian phrase of the day: "How's are you going?" Proper answer: "I am going fine."

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