Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Does this stuff ever happen to anyone else, or just me?

We have been in Sydney almost one week now, and I decided it was time to get into some sort of routine. The daily fight for "real estate" on the commuter train stresses me out and I have not been able to find the quiet time I usually enjoy. (no, I am not talking about chapel time -- we actually have quiet a bit of that, I am talking about running).

So I decided I would get up early, find a comfortable seat on the train and use the 20 minutes for prayer and thought before getting to the office. We have showers here, so once I am downtown, it is light enough but still too early for the city to be bustling with activity -- perfect for a morning run.

However. . .

No one told me that our building has an alarm. Yes, you guessed it -- I set it off. I managed to make my way up to the floor and through two doors before my card stopped working. Since we all use electronic keys to get into everything, it was about that time that the security guards caught up with me and very politely asked who I was and what I was doing here. After a bit of clarification and proof of my identity, we worked it out. They now know to expect me early in the mornings and I know to check with them at the office marked "inquires" (ie. security) when I arrive.

As for the run. . . glorious -- along the shoreline watching the sunrise over the harbour illuminating the opera house in a golden glow. (Next time, I will bring my camera)

And for an extra feature of the Australian word of the day: "bloke", that would be a man, male, but different from a "mate" which is a good friend. So the security guards from the "inquiry" desk were simply being good blokes this morning.

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