Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rain + Busses = Wet Pedestrians

One month into our stay here in Sydney and we finally see what everyone has been talking about -- rain. Seriously, start praying now that it does not rain for WYD week because when it rains -- it rains for a week! We are not just talking about a little shower either, we are talking about change-of-clothes-is-necessary-when-you-get-to-the-office rainstorms. Being that I am from Texas -- that is saying something!

Of course, I learned all this the hard way (as usual). Yesterday, I left the house in the usual darkness and noticed it was raining a bit. No big deal, my shoes are waterproof and my clothes will dry (little did I know it would take most of the day) Keeping in mind that I do have a bit of a walk on either side of the bus ride, I did get a bit wet. However, it was not until George Street (which is much like Bloor or Westheimer) that I ran into real trouble. Buses: Terrible. Impolite. Just awful.

Note to anyone coming to Sydney: Never walk down George Street in a rain storm.
Not knowing any better, I walked down George Street because it is covered all the way to the office (as are most of the streets in Sydney, which is very nice -- George is just wider). I knew that it was a major bus route, but what I did not realize is that they do not move over for the massive flow of water coming down the side of the road (which is channeled, so it really is a lot of water). Keeping my head down, I heard the bus coming before I saw the tidal wave roaring along side it. When I looked up, I quickly realized my plight and looked for an escape -- nothing. I flattened myself against the wall like a kid who just got caught misbehaving - but there was no dodging the water that came rushing across the sidewalk and battering the walls of the buildings. I hunkered underneath my umbrella and managed to keep 3/4 of me dry. In disbelief, I stood there stunned and noticed some poor bloke was in much worse shape than me as he had no umbrella.

I continued my walk until I was alerted by another fateful sound -- yes, another bus carrying with it another tidal wave. My mind was screaming while my eyes are desperately looked for a place of hopeful refuge. I quickly found a little doorway to hide in -- thank goodness. I stepped out to find the same poor bloke in front of me - once again soaked to the bone. If I were him, I would have turned around and gone right back to bed. No good can come from a day that starts like that.

I finally made it to the office relatively dry. The rain continues, and so do the busses.

As for the Australian Word of the Day: "Rock up", which means to show up some where un-announced or just casually stopping by. It happens a lot at the office.

Blessings and G'Day!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris and Morgan,
I finally have some time to breathe now that school is out, so I took some time to catch up on the blog...very interesting! Sounds like you are having a great time. I;m missing you and keeping you in my prayers! Love,claire

workister said...

Way too funny - I had a similar experience yesterday but was grateful to learn that some vain Basilian, identity unknown, kept a Revlon blowdryer in the rectory. Story on my blog. ;)