Sunday, June 15, 2008

Off to the Races!

I am a runner. Most of you who know me know that running is how I clear my head, and relax. Depending on the day and route, it is also my time to pray or socialize. Whenever I find myself some where new, it is not long before I am out on the streets, purposely lost, making all kinds of discoveries many who have lived there for years never make.

It should be no surprise that I am running quite a bit in Sydney. The coastlands, beaches and cliffs make for beautiful scenery and very good training. In fact, the training has been so good, that I crushed my personal best in the 10K Mini-Mos Marathon race this morning. Though the time was only about six minutes faster than my previous best, the route was up and down hills with very little level roads, which I figure counts for at least another 10 minutes. (You can view the map here)

You might ask why I feel the need to run a race when life presents the need to race every where during the week? It is a fair question, one I asked as I was waiting for the
race to begin. As I watched runners take care of their bags, numbers, last minute bathroom duties, and stretches -- each of these done with a bit of anxiety, I think how crazy are all of us? Then the race begins, and I remember how much fun it is; in fact, how much of a blessing it is, to run the race at all. This morning I pushed myself a bit harder than usual, digging deep within to keep a steady pace no matter how big the hill was in front of me. It is no wonder why St. Paul uses the metaphor of the race to describe the Christian life. And when you cross the finish line, knowing that you are completely spent, that you gave it everything you had (even a bit you didn't think you had) -- it is a feeling that knows few equals.

. . . but if that doesn't do it for ya -- remember my core value concerning running (and this is important) -- guilt-free eating.

As for the Australian word of the day, “Rubber”, which is an eraser. And yes, some one asked me if I had one on me this morning. Thank goodness they quickly explained -- I guess the look on my face gave me away as new to Australia!

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